٨. من كان يلقب بأمير المؤمنين في الحديث؟ وأين ومتى كان مولده؟ وأين و متى كانت وفاته؟
8. Who was referred to as “Amir al Muimineen” in Hadith? Where and when was he born? Where and when did he die?
٩. من هو الخليفة العباسي الذي تميزت خلافته بنهضة علمية واسعة؟ ومتى وأين كانت ولادته؟ ومتى وأين كانت وفاته؟
9. Who was the Abbasid Caliph whose rule was significant for the incredible scientific renaissance? When and where was he born? When and where did he die?
١٠. متى كانت اول محاولة للمسلمين للقسطنطينية ؟ في عهد اي خليفة كانت؟ ومتى نجح المسلمون في فتح القسطنطينية ؟ و في عهد اي خليفة كان الفتح؟
10. When did the Muslims first attempt to conquer Constantinople and under which Caliph’s rule was this? When were the Muslims successful in conquering Constantinople and under which Caliph’s rule was this?
١١. من الذي لقب ببائع الملوك؟ ومتى و أين كانت ولادته؟
11. Who was the one referred to as the “seller of kings”? When and where was he born?
١٢. متى فرضت الصلاة؟ ومتى تحولت القبلة من المسجد الأقصى الى المسجد الحرام؟
12. When was salah first ordained as obligatory? When did the qiblah change from Jerusalem to Makkah?
١٣. كم عدد آعمام الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم؟ واذكر اسماء الذين اسلموا منهم.
13. How many uncles did the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) have from his father’s side? Name the two that were Muslim.
١٤. صحابيان من العشرة المبشرين بالجنة استشهدا في معركة واحدة، فمن هما و ما اسم المعركة؟
14. Two of the 10 Sahabah who were promised Jannah were martyred in the same battle – which battle was this and what were their names?