Assalamu Alaikum,
The first day of Ramadan will be tomorrow, Tuesday, April 13th. Taraweeh prayers at ISPC Masjed Ebad Alrahman will begin tonight after Isha prayer.
Prayer Times, Opening & Closing of Masjed:
– Masjed Ebad Alrahman will be open for Fajr, Mahgreb, Isha and – Taraweeh for the entire month of Ramadan.
– For Fajr, Maghreb, and Isha, Masjed doors will open at Athaan time.
– Taraweeh will begin immediately after conclusion of Isha prayer.
Everyone will be asked to leave within 10 minutes after the conclusion of Fajr, Maghreb, and Taraweeh.
Volunteer Opportunity:
For the safety of you and our community, we will be administering temperature checks and sanitization prior to entering the Masjed. If you would like to volunteer to administer said temperature checks, please sign up here and select all the dates and times you will be available.
Masjed Guidelines:
– For now, Masjed will be open for men only (12 yrs and older).
– We strongly recommend for elderly (65 yrs and older) and those with high-risk medical conditions to pray at home.
– Everyone must bring a mask or face covering and wear it.
– Everyone must bring your own prayer mat.
– Everyone should come to the Masjed with wudu (wudu area of – – Masjed will be off-limits and restrooms will be closed unless absolutely necessary).
– Use hand sanitizer when entering and exiting the Masjed.
– Temperature checks will be conducted at the door prior to entry, individuals with abnormal temperature reading will not be permitted into the Masjed.
– Designated prayer areas will be pre-marked in a manner to facilitate spacing. Attendees should only pray in the marked designated areas only.
– Social distancing will be enforced, No handshakes, no hugging or standing around after the prayers. Everyone will be asked to disperse in orderly fashion upon completion of salaat. No mingling or gathering inside of the Masjed will be tolerated.
– Entry to the Masjed will be on a first come first serve basis. – –
– Once the Masjed is filled at permitted capacity, no one will be allowed entrance; all others will be turned away.
– All Masjed facilities will be closed immediately after the conclusion of the prayers.
– ISPC Administration reserves the right to deny the admission of any individual that poses a safety risk.
– If you are experiencing any symptoms, PLEASE STAY HOME!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Question: Will the Masjed be offering a group Iftar after Maghreb?
Answer: In effort to keep our community safe, we will not be offering a group Iftar this year at the Masjed.
Question: Can I bring my own Iftar to eat in the eating area?
Answer: In effort to keep our community safe, the eating area will be closed off for use this year at the Masjed.
Question: Will the Masjed be offering packaged Iftar for the community?
Answer: Yes, more details regarding our drive-thru Iftar service will be provided in short time.
Question: What prayers will the Masjed be open for?
Answer: The Masjed will be open for Fajr, Maghreb, Isha, and Taraweeh.
Question: What age groups will the Masjed be open for?
Answer: The Masjed will be open for all males aged 12 years and older.
Question: When should I not come to the Masjed?
Answer: In effort to keep our community safe, if you are feeling any flu-like symptoms, please do not come to the Masjed until you are clear of all symptoms.
Question: What should I bring with me for prayer?
Answer: Please bring a prayer mat and a mask to cover your mouth and nose at all times.
Question: Where can I pray?
Answer: Once you enter the Masjed, please select a spot on the ground where there is a blue tape mark.
Question: Will there be temperature checks and sanitization at the front door?
Answer: Yes, this will take place at Fajr, Maghreb, Isha, and Taraweeh prayers. If you’d like to volunteer by assisting with this rewarding opportunity, please sign up for time slots using this link here:
Question: How long will the Masjed be open after Taraweeh prayers are complete?
Answer: In effort to limit interaction and enforce social distancing, the Masjed doors and gates will close 10 minutes after the last Taraweeh prayer is complete.
Question: If I received a COVID-19 vaccine on April 11th, will my 2nd dose still be Sunday May 2nd?
Answer: Yes, your 2nd dose will still be on Sunday May 2nd. More details regarding your COVID-19 will be sent to you in short time.
We look forward to seeing all of you during this blessed month!
Jazakumu Allahu Khairan for your understanding and support. May Allah protect us all. Ameen.