Question of the Day 4
٤. ماهي السورة التي تنتهي بكلمة بصيغة الجمع وهي نفس الكلمة التي تبدا بها السورة التي تليها ولكن بصيغة المفرد؟ 4. Which surah ends with a plural word and the next surah starts with the same word but singular?
٤. ماهي السورة التي تنتهي بكلمة بصيغة الجمع وهي نفس الكلمة التي تبدا بها السورة التي تليها ولكن بصيغة المفرد؟ 4. Which surah ends with a plural word and the next surah starts with the same word but singular?
٣. ماهي الآية التي نزلت داخل الكعبة؟ 3. Which ayah was revealed inside the Ka’ba?
٢. ماهي السورة التي افتتحت واختتمت بتسبيح؟ 2. Which surah starts with tasbeeh and ends with tasbeeh?
١. هناك ثلاث سور متتالية جاء فيها لفظ “العبد” إما في الاية الأولى أو الثانية. اذكرها بالترتيب Which three consecutive surahs have the word “abd” in either the 1st or the 2nd verse?
Assalam o Alykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Baraktuhu, Masjid Ibad ArRahaman is pleased to announce that Insha Allah Thursday June 18th, 2015 will be the first day of Ramadhan 1436 Hijri. Please join us in celebrating this blessed month by taking part in following activities Insha Allah. Five Daily prayers in congregation at the Masjid.
Assalam-o-alykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu. Please contact Masjid Ebad AlRahman at 727-546-3162 after Salat al-Maghrib on Wednesday June 17th, 2015 for information regarding the moonsighting and beginning of the month of Ramadhan. Alternatively you can look for an announcement on this page Insha Allah. Please read Understanding the moonsighting by Dr. Yasir Qadhi for some …
Assalam-o-alykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu. Following is a list of upcoming events Insha Allah: Friday June 12th, 2015: Guidance Shariah Complaint Mortgage will be here to give an overview of their program and offerings between Maghrib and Isha. Wednesday June 17th, 2015: Volunteer’s meeting after Salat-al Maghrib. Friday June 26th, 2015: Sheikh Omar Shaheen will …
Assalam o Alykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu. Alhumdulillah the executive board members of Masjid Ebad AlRahman are pleased to announce that Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Masri from Jordan and Sheikh Eid Zaki from Egypt will be joining us for the whole month of Ramadhan Insha Allah. They will be helping Sheikh Saad by leading Taraweeh and other …
ISPC, Masjed Ebad Alrahman would like to invite our Muslim community of Tampa Bay to The Great Hajj Adventure event for children accompanied by parents. Adults welcome. Details below. WHEN: Sunday September 28th 2014 @ 10:30 AM WHERE: I.S.P.C 9400 67th St N. Pinellas Park, FL 33782 BENEFITS: –> Learn step by step how to …
ISPC, Masjed Ebad Alrahman would like to invite our Muslim community of Tampa Bay to our Annual Eid picnic, this Sunday August 24th, details below. What: ISPC Eid Picnic celebration. When: Sunday, August 24th 2013, 1:00 pm. Where: Lake Seminole Park 10015 Park Blvd N, Seminole, FL 33777 Shelters 12 and 13. Inshallah we will …
Reminder about Eid Picnic this Sunday August 24th 2014 at 1:00 PM Read More »