Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmtullah wa Barakatuh.
A Weekend of Learning and Practicing Prophetic Way of Healthy Living and Medicine With world Renowned Dr. Amir Saleh.
ISPC in Association with ISSP welcome Dr. Amir Saleh to Our Community for a 4 day visit: Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sunday. April 10th-13th, 2014.
Program Hightlights:
He will be with us starting on Thursday all the way to Sunday.
There will be private consultation session by appointment as well as public lectures (please call the number below for reservation).
The doctor will be giving a course about Hijamah (cupping), registerers and attendees will receive a certificate by the Doctor at the end of the course.
There will be food and snacks served through-out the weekend.
Babysitting will be available.
Program Details:
Thursday: ( At ISPC Masjed Ebad Alrahman)
2 pm to 7:30 pm: Hijamah and Consultation
Between Maghreb and Ishaa: Consultation and QA session
Snacks and refreshments will be served
Friday: (At ISSP Masjed Assunah)
Friday Khutbah at 1:30 followed by open session til Asr
Between Maghreb And Ishaa: Lecture: (The Benefits of Hijamah “Cupping”)
After Ishaa dinner will be served
Saturday: (At ISPC Masjed Ebad Alrahman)
8 am to noon: Hijamah and consultation
2:15 to 4:30: Lecture for certificate seekers and practitioners.
7 pm to Maghreb: Dinner will be served.
Between Maghreb and Ishaa: Lecture (Healthy Diet: the Prophet’s way)
Snacks and refreshments will be served all Day
Sunday: (At ISPC Masjed Ebad Alrahman)
10 am to 1 pm: Hijamah and consultation
Snacks and refreshments will be served
* All activities are free except for Hijamah, consultation, or certification, a donation will be accepted for those services * Consultation and certification openings are limited * Call 727-488-3311 for reservation or more info
Brief Bio of Dr. Amir Saleh:
Dr. Amir Saleh, World renowned Natural Medicine and prophetic medicine Expert. He has been on many TV Channels through out the Islamic World. He has also published many books and articles, one that is worth mentioning is (Your health is in your Prayer). He has traveled through out the world to lecture on these topics such natural and prophetic medicine which include the topic of Hijamah (Cupping.)