Ramadan Mubarak – 1st Day Of Ramadan, Monday, 6th June 2016

Assalam o Alykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Baraktuhu,

Masjid Ibad Al-Rahaman is pleased to announce that Insha Allah Monday June 6th, 2016 will be the first day of Ramadan 1437 Hijri. Please join us in celebrating this blessed month by taking part in following activities Insha Allah.
      • Five Daily prayers in congregation at the Masjid.
      • Daily Iftar after Maghrib.
      • Salat al-Isha will be at 10 PM followed by Taraweeh prayers.
      • Sheikh Eid Zaki will be leading Taraweeh prayers.
      • Baby sitting will be available.
      • Girls Taraweeh Club.

More activities will be announced soon. May Allah give us the strength to honor this month and forgive us all in this month, Amin.
Click here for Ramadan Calendar.

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