Arrayaan Club for Girls

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatulallah wa Barakatuh

۩ Ramadan Mubarak ۩

We hope this reaches you in the best of happiness and health and pray that this Ramadan is a blessed time for you and your families.

Masjid Ebad Al Rahman is excited to announce the 5th annual Girls of Arrayaan Club. The club designed to provide a time for girls to form bonds with the Masjid, Ramadan, and Salah while also giving them the opportunity to create long lasting friendships based on the love of Allah and understanding of Islam.

Alhamdulillah, we had a very successful club last year and hope for it to be even more engaging this year Insha’Allah! We will be continuing with the weekend activity day for girls to interact, receive prizes, participate in various activities, take part in a small weekly halaqa, and much more Insha’Allah!

Ages: 7-13 year old girls
Cost: $30 for new participants; $25 for prior participants

Registration Link: To register your daughter, please complete the registration form at the link below. Please fill out the registration form separately for each child, should you have more than one daughter. Paper registration forms are also available in the Masjid and can be filled out and handed to Taymeyah or Khawlah Altoubah, at Taraweeh.

Girls of Arrayaan Registration Form

What will members be doing? Every night of Ramadan, Girls of Arrayaan Members will gather together in the masjid and pray Taraweeh. Girls will complete tasks and activities at home throughout the day and receive points for extra prayers, Quran recitation and memorization, extra supplications and many other forms of worship. Rewards will be associated with the gaining of certain amounts of points.

We will be meeting one day on the weekend for a 3-hour period. In that time we have many things planned, including a fun activity each week for the girls to work on, a halaqa (Islamic discussion) on a different topic each week and an opportunity for the girls to discuss any questions they may have. We will be reviewing the weekly charts and distributing rewards. There will also be an optional Quran Competition for those interested in participating and prizes will be awarded at the end of Ramadan at the Award’s Ceremony. More information on everything will be provided to participants after registration Insha’Allah.

Contact: Please forward any questions to with the subject titled “Girls of Arrayyan 2018”

Space is limited and registration will be closed after the first week of Ramadan. Our first meeting’s date and time will be sent to parents in a separate email.

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